Yesterday morning, another party broke out in Heaven. Didn't you hear it? I was certain I felt the earth vibrate with the noise of trumpets and the rumble of a million dancing feet.
She's there at last--twirling, leaping waltzing with Jesus, allowing only her husband, Waddie, to cut in. Her limbs don't have eighty-four years worth of wear on them anymore. Her feet are lithe, quick on the turn as she spins again, her laughter echoing through another universe.
They're all there, waiting their turn to hug her: the ladies she drove when they couldn't, the poor she donated clothes to, the hungry she fed,the sick and dying she tenderly cared for. They can't wait to celebrate with her.
"It's party time!" the cry echoes from a thousand excited voices. "Dixie's here!"
Well done, Dixie McCombs. Enjoy the party.
Are we all different!
The world is colored by a vast array of personalities, opinions, and
interests. Aren't we glad we are not all the same--dull gray r...