Jesus asked his followers that. Was it a rhetorical question, or does he want us to answer?
He seemed even puzzled at them, reminding them that their Father in Heaven takes care of everything and He already knows what they need.
Okay, here's one reason I worry: I don't think God is paying attention. Stories of others in my situation who've suffered tremendously, lost everything, had to endure rugged lifestyle changes they did not want...all play through my head and I think, "What if God chooses that for me?"
But isn't that faith? Believing that nothing can touch me except what God allows?
Another reason I worry: I'm not convinced that what I consider important, God considers equally important.
But isn't that indication of wrong priorities? Aren't I admitting that I like my way better than God's? Isn't it His goal to adjust my priorities before I have to stand before Him and account for them?
So, why do I worry? My Father in Heaven knows I have need of these things. I'm going to have to work on trust.
Are we all different!
The world is colored by a vast array of personalities, opinions, and
interests. Aren't we glad we are not all the same--dull gray r...