You've got it made.
The world is at your fingertips. Thousands adore you, sing your praises, rush to do your bidding. You have everything you want, including outrageous joy, peace, and harmony with everyone who matters.
Yet, your heart yearns for something. That dirty beggar on the wrong side of town has captivated you. You spend your days searching for him, calling out for him, investing everything you have to find him. You long for the day you can stroll together and talk. Just enjoy each other's company. You'd do anything for him, but he doesn't understand. And he doesn't seem to care.
"Why?" your adoring fans ask. "Why on earth? Him? You can't be serious. There are thousands like him, not worth a dirty penny. Why would you...?"
Don't we struggle with that one when it comes to God? We hear that God desires an intimate, loving relationship with us individually. We profess to believe it, but isn't there a little voice inside that continues to doubt? Why would God want to hear from me?
That big Why often becomes a stop sign. A hurdle that cannot be vaulted. It halts our progress toward God and sometimes makes us turn around and go back.
We lap up the stories of Jesus, chant the Bible verses, and grasp the generalities of God. Yet, deep down the big WHY remains and keeps us from pursuing God the way He wants us to. We just cannot fathom why the Creator of the universe--One who could part the Red Sea, bring people to life whenever he felt like it, and stop the sun in its course--would care one bit about an insignificant creature wandering about on one of His planets. It just boggles the mind.
Once we start asking WHY, we've taken a dangerous detour. It's not wrong to ask; just wrong to demand an answer before continuing on this journey toward God. There are too many whys and not enough answers that will fit inside a finite brain. God's mind is infinite, so it's no wonder we are incapable of comprehending all His WHYS.
So rather than slam on the brakes when I hit a WHY, viewing it as a stop sign in my pursuit of God, I'd rather see it as a cattle guard. A cattle guard demands that we slow down, proceed carefully, endure a few bumps, but it doesn't have to stop us.
So why in the world would the Most High, Almighty God, Creator of Time care to walk and talk with me? I have no clue. I'm not worth it. I have nothing to offer. It's a little like me giving business advice to Bill Gates--not necessary.
But Scripture makes it clear: God does desire it. He pursues me, talks to me, gives me insights, wisdom, peace, and best of all--His presence.
Satan loves to keep erecting those WHY stop signs to keep us at arm's length from a God who longs to shower us with love and affection. So ignore those WHYS. Treat them like cattle guards and bump right on past, secure in the knowledge that if it was imperative that you understand, God would have explained it to you.