Are There Demons in Your Closet?

How to Improve Your Life for Free!

Do you ever have the sneaking suspicion that your life isn't working like you think it should?
Even as a Christian, do you wonder if there is more you should understand about living a victorious life the way God intended for you to live?
I'm going to do you a favor today and put in a plug for a great site I've discovered.
As a supplement to my training in lay counseling, I'm taking an online program from Word of Life Counseling center in Wichita, Kansas. Because of distance, I will earn my certification from another place, but the extra training is great and the video lessons are FREE!
Dr. Troy Reiner is a licenced psychologist as well as a Bible scholar and much of the course is deep Scriptural truth from which any believer could benefit. The section of training I'm linking you to is called Principles, Here Dr. Reiner explores 44 basic principles given in the Bible---from salvation to walking in the Spirit---and what each means for you, what happens in your life when these principles are being violated, and how to apply them.
I'm coming to understand that there is so much more than I realized to living life the way God intends us to live, and unfortunately most Christians never fully experience all that God has for them because they miss the truth of these principles.
If you have a little extra time each day, I highly recommend these classes. You can view them on your own schedule. The training will not only help you wherever you are in your spiritual walk, but you can better help others God brings across your path.
Check it out! Click here.
Knowledge and More Knowledge...
- Do I believe God accepts me more when I'm doing what I should?
- Do I study all the do's and don'ts so nothing catches me off guard?
- Do I have a mental list of what a "good" (Christian, church, family) looks like that isn't clearly stipulated in Scripture?
- Do I consider myself more spiritual than others who don't have my same convictions?
- Do I tend to be more accepting of other Christians who think like me?
- Do my convictions ever get in the way of connecting with and loving new Christians?
- Am I ever afraid to be my real self around certain people for fear they would not think me spiritual enough?
A Lament from Babe Ruth

My Theme Song

Today's post is much better stated in song, so slap on the head phones and click here .
Close your eyes and listen with your heart. I would sing it for you, but I think Darlene Zschech does a much better job than I could, so we'll let her do it.
This is my goal each morning. It's the only one I can control and know for a fact will happen.
Is it yours?
What About Aliens?

Do You Believe in Aliens?

What do you think? Is it possible that there are other life forms out there in the universe somewhere, living their lives on another galaxy? Would they try to contact us as the UFO-sighters claim? What would such a contact consist of? What type of life forms are we talking about? The Hollywood version or could they be spirit form? Are they human-like or monsters? Advanced or primitive? Do you think it's possible there would ever be a meeting between the inhabitants of our planet and the citizens of theirs?
Nearly everyone has an opinion. Tell me yours. Give me some reasons to support your ideas.
In my next post, I'll give you mine.
Man, This is Hard!


- Do these people have the right to bring 19 children into the world when so many children are starving and homeless?
- Can two parents effectively raise that many children?
- Why on earth would they want to?
- Where is the public outcry against multi-married movie stars, creating children with each other's spouses?
- Where is public outrage against the immoral lifestyles of our so-called idols polluting the minds of America's teenagers?
- We scratch our heads in confusion over the skyrocketing teen pregnancy, suicide, and violence rates--while we criticize people like the Duggars who are quietly showing us another way to do things.
You Mean That's a Virtue?

Update from Babe McCombs

I thought I'd check in with all you people who visit my mom's blog.
I see her over here every day, typing away, and I wonder what she's saying about me. I decided I might need to defend myself. My boy says I'm paranoid, but I don't know what that means. I think it means I like birds.
I want you to know, whatever Mom tells you that I do--it's not true. I'm a good dog (usually) and there is way too much emphasis on being smart these days. Intelligence is not all there is to life. If these people would stop throwing new commands at me all the time, maybe I could get one right. Those human words go right out of my head the minute I hear them, but they still expect me to know what to do.
Take that "sit" business, for example. What's the big deal about me sitting? In the first place, I can't remember what it means and in the second place...I can't remember the second place...
I had these photos taken as proof of what a spiritual dog I really am. As you can see, I choose to rest on the Word every chance I get. I would never chew up the Bible, but I do like to lay on it.

They don't like that either.See how hard they are to please?
I'm very proud of the fact that I know how to make my toy squeak whenever I want to and Yankee doesn't. She acts like she doesn't care, but I see her giving me the haughty eye when I squeak away on our new Christmas toy. She can fetch and I can't, but fetching is not as smart as squeaking.
I show my people all the time how smart I am. I squeak my toy while they watch movies, when they pray at the dinner table, and when they have quiet conversations. They all start shouting my name at once. I think that means they like it and it makes me proud.
The most important thing is that I'm a happy dog who would do anything for my people--if I just knew what it was they wanted. I can't make heads or tails of those words they use, but when they speak to me, I just assume I did something bad. I show them how sorry I am by cowering down and licking their hands and in a few minutes, they're hugging me and telling me I'm a good dog. It works out great.
So I hope you can see what a fine dog I am and anything that Mom may tell you in the future about me, just ignore it like I do the word "come."
Ya'll have a great weekend and may you catch every bird you chase!