Hello. This is Babe again. Since it's the weekend, my mom let me have the computer. Well...actually, she's in bed and unless I leave paw prints on the keys, what she don't know won't hurt her. Or me.
I have a problem. I just wanna know why my boy I love so dearly won't let me sleep on his bed with him. I thought that was my job. I came here to keep him company in his big room by himself, but do I get to share the nice soft bed?
NO-O-O... I get the ratty blanket on the floor and I just wanna know why.
I'm warm, they keep the stickers mostly out of my fur, and I love to cuddle. Absolutely LOVE to cuddle.
That first night I was all ready for bed and I got to stay maybe...maybe three minutes total! Can you believe that? Three minutes!
So what that I tend to drool a bit, I kick in my sleep, and prefer to lay ON my boy rather than beside him? Is that any reason to banish me to the cold lonely floor?
I've scratched my ears repeatedly over this, shoved my nose in his neck when he's asleep, and moaned mournfully but he won't budge. I gaze with great longing at the nice soft comforter and imagine my big beautiful paw prints all over it, making it nice and comfy. How I would slowly crawl up his legs after he goes to sleep until we are curled like two puppies in a pile.
I accepted it without complaint when Mom banned me from the new living room sofa. I've stopped jumping on her bed since she makes such a big fuss over it. That's just the kind of dog I am. But this...
This I cannot accept and I will continue to express my sorrow over this cruel decision until he gives in. Every night I forget I can't sleep up there and I leap joyfully onto OUR bed and curl up in a tight ball on his pillow, hoping he won't notice me. But he always does and down to the floor I go.
Does this sound fair to you? Here I am, loyal and true, loving and faithful. I come mostly when I'm called and hardly ever grab food off the counter...well, not usually...
If you are as outraged as I am, join me in my crusade for fairness. Let him know how you feel. Maybe there is justice out there somewhere in this cold, cruel world.
Bark once if you agree!
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