So, really now. Doesn't God have some favorites?
Surely guys like John the Baptist, Moses, and Billy Graham are on God's Most Highly Favored list. Right?
Whereas, old jokers who've partied hard all their lives and made deathbed confessions of faith have to go to the end of the line.
Ever wonder where you are on the list?
The Apostle John refers to himself in his book as "the disciple that Jesus loved." Imagine that. Out of all the people Jesus ministered to, all the people he healed, all the other disciples who followed him and gave up everything for Christ, John considered himself the favorite.
That speaks more for the amazing love of God than it does about what John thought. Jesus was able to make each person who came into contact with him think that they were his favorite.
Just as any parent with more than one child understands, parents do have favorites. As Erma Bombeck put it so wisely: "My favorite child is the one who needs me most in that moment." You love each of your children with your whole heart. Having another child doesn't reduce your capacity for love by one-half---it increases it one hundred percent!
And that's how it works with God. For every lost child who believes, God offers one hundred percent of his fatherly affection.
John gives us a great example. When he sold out to follow Christ, that relationship became his whole identity. He no longer measured his worth by worldly standards. He was God's favorite child.
And so are you! You don't have to earn it. You can't possibly deserve it. But God offers it to you anyway.
So go be all you're created to be today. After all, you're God's favorite!
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