"For Those Who Gave Their All"
This week, another young life I had the privilege of knowing was cut short in service to his country. That makes 2 in less than 3 years from my former home church--odds I don't like at all.
His parents, kind and decent Christian people, have lost a treasure. A piece of their hearts that will never be replaced. I cannot imagine suffering such a loss and all I can do is keep them lifted up to God, trusting Him to bring the only comfort possible right now.
Every one of us owes undying allegiance to those who've laid aside their very lives to ensure our freedom and hope. Whether or not you agree with the particulars of the battle, you cannot question the integrity and sacrifice of the ones who are fighting it.
"Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
God has done that for us--setting aside his glory and holiness to become one of us, choosing to be tortured and murdered so that we could go free.
If we owe our loyalty and respect to human soldiers of freedom, don't we owe God much more? How can we withhold our love and allegiance from Someone who gave His all for us?
You would never think to show disrespect for a fallen soldier, but do you disrespect God? Do you toss His name around in vain? Do you trample his commandments underfoot as though they were merely irritating suggestions? Do you ignore His Word? Shrug off His company? Excuse sin as though it was your call to make?
When you see that row of white grave markers, notice the crosses on top. They are a reminder that Someone else died for your freedom, too.
Thank you, Andrew. And thank you, Jesus.
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