The triathlete waved at the cheering crowd. He’d done the impossible. Again. The crowds chanted his name, tossed roses at the stage, and applauded in wild abandon as the Master of Ceremonies stepped forward, gold medal in his hand.
Then a pink streak shot from the throng onto the stage and made straight for the hero. In a single leap, she was in his arms and he swung her effortlessly onto his shoulders. The crowd went wild again as the proud father held his laughing daughter high for all to see.
Then, as though they’d planned it, the Master of Ceremonies lifted the medallion high as the athlete bent low and the medal went around the neck of the five-year-old.
Her father straightened and she towered above the crowd, beaming with pride, accepting the applause as her due. She was a winner! High in the arms of her accomplished father, she enjoyed his praise right along with him. She'd done nothing to earn such adoration; yet, her loving father allowed her to enjoy it right along with him.
Then a pink streak shot from the throng onto the stage and made straight for the hero. In a single leap, she was in his arms and he swung her effortlessly onto his shoulders. The crowd went wild again as the proud father held his laughing daughter high for all to see.
Then, as though they’d planned it, the Master of Ceremonies lifted the medallion high as the athlete bent low and the medal went around the neck of the five-year-old.
Her father straightened and she towered above the crowd, beaming with pride, accepting the applause as her due. She was a winner! High in the arms of her accomplished father, she enjoyed his praise right along with him. She'd done nothing to earn such adoration; yet, her loving father allowed her to enjoy it right along with him.
When God chooses to use us to accomplish his goals, the victory is all His. Yet, as a loving Father, he holds us high, allows us to bask in the glory too. The joy of winning, the thrill of victory--they all belong to God. But isn't it nice when He shares it with us?
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