She wasn't as old as she looked, but decades of chain-smoking, stress, and misery had added years to her face and curved her shoulders.
"So, I been to counselors, therapists, psychologists...you name it. I heard it all, and what I wanna know from you is what am I supposed to do?"
Beady brown eyes locked on mine and I had a sudden, desperate wish to be anywhere else. Every counselor's nightmare sat in the chair opposite mine and now she was my nightmare. God had brought her to me.
I made a mental note to discuss this a bit further with my Heavenly Father as my new client launched into what would become a 2 1/2 hour marathon session.
Her problem came down to one that is surprisingly common: she knew what she needed to do, but had every excuse in the world why she couldn't do it. She keeps looking for that Wizard of Oz who will give her magic dust to sprinkle over her horrific life and fix everything without her having to take that scary step of faith and obey God.
So many people live their entire lives right there.
We try everything we can think of, talk to everyone who will listen, consult Oprah and Dr. Phil until we can repeat all the psycho-jumble as well as anyone, but all the talk in the world can't fix what's wrong. We have to take action; change what we have the power to change.
And that terrifies us. Change? Take that hard first step?
We'd rather complain.
Faith always requires action and action is scary. Hebrews 11 gives us an amazing list of people throughout history who have taken that first scary step by faith--and been blessed by God because of it. God knows change is hard, that's why it pleases Him so when we do it anyway.
Would you rather complain about your pesky situation or change it? Have you grown used to the irritation the way a blister grows around a splinter? You don't like it, but it's been there so long you're used to it. And familiar feels comfortable after a while.
Staying with the familiar stunts our growth. God presses us toward change because only then do we experience Him in new ways, rely on His strength, and learn more truth about ourselves. The familiar does not require any faith. We can do that in our own strength, but in doing the familiar, we miss out on the pleasure of working hand-in-hand with God.
What obstacle are you hiding behind? What might God be asking you to do that terrifies you?
Is it time to take that first scary step toward change and let God begin His transforming work in you? It may not be easy, but it is always better because now God is in it with you.
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