Eph. 6: 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist...
Ever leave the house in a hurry, wearing pants or a skirt that was too big around the waist--and you had no belt? All day you're a bit nervous, pressing your arm against the waistband and praying against a wardrobe malfunction.
That little belt you left in the closet starts to seem mighty important when you have to walk all the way across the parking lot with arms full and no way to hold your pants up.
The Belt of Truth Paul talks about here is even more valuable. When Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free," this belt is what he meant.
A soldier's belt was a thick, heavy item to which all the rest of the armor was attached. It was buckled tightly about the waist and kept everything else in place. If it came unbuckled or loose, the rest of the armor would start to slip.
In the same way, truth is the foundation upon which our total security rests. If we don't have God's absolute truth buried deep in our souls, one well-placed lie can send us reeling. ("The Bible is not relevant to us anymore..." "What was sin back then isn't sin anymore..." "Science has proven the Bible false...")
LIES are Satan's favorite weapons. He used a couple in the Garden and they worked so well, why change tactics? He figured out long ago how woefully ignorant we humans are and how easily fooled we are by a smooth-talking, snake-oil salesman.
Wearing the Belt of Truth requires that we remain completely honest before God about ourselves as well. We must be willing to accept how God sees us, admit our own weaknesses, and live with a clear conscience. We have to be willing for God to shine a bright light into those secret places of our souls and get rid of those pet lies we keep around for company. To entertain deception in any form loosens the belt.
This belt is buckled on by our Will. Every day we choose what to believe, what to allow into our minds, and whether or not to question God's stated truth. As your will slips, so does the belt.
God won't force you to wear the Belt of Truth, but He offers it to you with His guarantee stamped onto it. It can stand up against any lie Satan throws at it. It readies you for battle and is the foundation for the rest of your armor. But if won't do you any good if you don't buckle it on.
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