Whew! A week without Internet, snowed in, going nuts!
This week is already going down in the history books as the Blizzard of 2011.
This week is already going down in the history books as the Blizzard of 2011.
Outside my window, a record-breaking 20 inches of powdery white snow lays in uneven drifts. After a one-day hiatus, the snow is back, quickly filling in whatever progress the snowplows and shovels have made. My sweet little SUV is stuck in the driveway and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.
I’ve been off-line since Monday—the result of 40-mile-per-hour winds hurling snow horizontally. Northeast Oklahoma has basically shut down for a few days, powers-that-be calling it a “disaster area.” That term seems a little overly enthusiastic for a snowstorm, when you compare it with, say, the Asian Tsunami or the World Trade Center. But to a motorist stranded for 12 hours on the freeway in the blinding snowstorm, I suppose the term “disaster” feels about right.
I’ve been off-line since Monday—the result of 40-mile-per-hour winds hurling snow horizontally. Northeast Oklahoma has basically shut down for a few days, powers-that-be calling it a “disaster area.” That term seems a little overly enthusiastic for a snowstorm, when you compare it with, say, the Asian Tsunami or the World Trade Center. But to a motorist stranded for 12 hours on the freeway in the blinding snowstorm, I suppose the term “disaster” feels about right.
Isn’t it interesting that storms and hurricanes and tornadoes can unapologeticly be called “acts of God?” Why are we so eager to give him credit for the disasters, but not the panoramic sunsets? Never the majestic mountains or the pounding surf? Why isn’t the unbroken glide of an eagle called an act of God by the politically-correct-phrase police?
I think God tosses us these curves to keep us guessing. I imagine he gets a bit fed up with our constant excuses as to why we cannot “be still and know that He is God.” After all, it wasn’t a suggestion.
“So, your schedule is too demanding to pray, is it Ms. Boss Woman?
Your engagements too pressing to seek Me while I may be found, huh Mr. Executive V.P.?
And Dr. Vital, you really believe you’re in control of your little world, don’t you?
You’re all so filled with your own importance, your plans stretch on into infinity and you think nothing can touch them.
We’ll see about that.”
So He brings everything to a screeching halt with one outstanding storm and all the technology, the conveniences, the human manpower in the world can do nothing but wait it out. Those ever-pressing schedules could wait after all. That technology didn’t do much good when the wind got to it. And we are reminded once again that we are only here because of His mercy.
As he reminded the mournful Job, “ Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding...Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail...?”
Maybe if we all learned to appreciate the acts of God taking place in miraculous abandon everywhere about us, He wouldn’t have to send so many unpleasant reminders.
I think God tosses us these curves to keep us guessing. I imagine he gets a bit fed up with our constant excuses as to why we cannot “be still and know that He is God.” After all, it wasn’t a suggestion.
“So, your schedule is too demanding to pray, is it Ms. Boss Woman?
Your engagements too pressing to seek Me while I may be found, huh Mr. Executive V.P.?
And Dr. Vital, you really believe you’re in control of your little world, don’t you?
You’re all so filled with your own importance, your plans stretch on into infinity and you think nothing can touch them.
We’ll see about that.”
So He brings everything to a screeching halt with one outstanding storm and all the technology, the conveniences, the human manpower in the world can do nothing but wait it out. Those ever-pressing schedules could wait after all. That technology didn’t do much good when the wind got to it. And we are reminded once again that we are only here because of His mercy.
As he reminded the mournful Job, “ Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding...Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail...?”
Maybe if we all learned to appreciate the acts of God taking place in miraculous abandon everywhere about us, He wouldn’t have to send so many unpleasant reminders.
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