The job is overwhelming!
A thousand things to do and only one YOU.
How can I...?
I can't possibly...
Ever look at the task ahead and quake in your boots?
Inadequacy taunts as you gaze wide-eyed at all that lies before you.
If you are in the season of life when the job God assigned you seems waaaay bigger than the gifts he assigned you, then this post is for you.
Hope is found in the famous story of Jesus feeding the five thousand in John 6. I was singing the Inadequacy Song one evening when I came to this story. As I began to read, God spoke:
"Pay attention. I have something to say to you."
With each verse, the meaning became clearer.
The crowds who came to hear Jesus were hungry. It was late. There was nothing to feed them but one little sack lunch--bread and some little fishies. The disciples complained to Jesus: "This is all we have, but what is it among so many?"
"Do you understand?" the Lord asked me.
Yes. I'm the bread and fish. And I'm not enough for this job You've given me.
"That's right. You're not."
Jesus told them to bring the lunch to him. He took it and gave thanks.
"Are you thanking me that you are not enough? I made you that way so that I can do it through you. Thank me even when it looks overwhelming. It is then I am about to do My work."
And after giving thanks, Jesus broke the bread and fish and began to pass it out. It kept going and going until the thousands had not a taste, but were completely filled.
"You must stay humble and broken in My hands and when you do, I will flow through you. All those I bring to you will be filled. Their needs will be met. They will not go away empty."
I blinked at the words on the page, comprehension and gratitude filling my heart.
"Keep going."
After Jesus had done such a miracle, the people wanted to make him king right then. But knowing what was in their hearts, he slipped away to meet with his Father.
"Do you understand? When I give you success, the world's way is to exalt that success, capitalize on it, expand it, publicize it. But that is not My way. When you see it coming, slip away and meet with Me. Keep doing only what I've given you to do and then I can bless it."
I understood.
And ever since, He has done just that.
As I stay broken and humble in the hands of Jesus, He accomplishes far more through me than I could ever do by myself.
If I want Lea Ann-sized results, I can try to feed the multitude with what I have. But if I want to see God-sized results, I have to stay pliable in His hands, trusting Him to do everything through me.
He did it on that hillside and He continues to do it every day.
What size results do you want?
I needed this today, Lea Bee. Thanks so much and you are right on target as usual. Love you and am praying for you. Jackie PS I am always amazed at the remembrance of two 3rd grade gangly girls hanging on monkey bars at the grade school when God brought their lives together. After all these years, He is still faithful.
I needed this today, Lea Bee. Thanks so much and you are right on target as usual. Love you and am praying for you. Jackie
PS I am always amazed at the remembrance of two 3rd grade gangly girls hanging on monkey bars at the grade school when God brought their lives together. After all these years, He is still faithful.
Yes, Jackie. I remember those girls well. One fell off the monkey bars and still has a tiny knot on her forehead as a souvenir!
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