- So you were passed over for the promotion you wanted.
- The ones doing the job seem incompetent. You know you could do better.
- Prince Charming picked someone else.
- You trained so long and hard, but you lost anyway.
WHY? Why, God?
One universal characteristic shared by mankind is imagination. It manifests itself in a million ways from fantasy to real heart's desire. We can see our dream in our minds. We just KNOW how things would go if only we got the chance. And we can see how God could use us, how good we would be if He only picked us.
And He doesn't.
Have you ever wondered how David's brothers felt as Samuel the priest studied and then rejected each of them as future king of Israel? Do you think a few of them felt slighted by God? "Hey, I'm a good guy too! Why couldn't I be king? I would do a much better job than that little shepherd kid."
Or how did the gallant military leaders of Gideon's day feel when God selected the trembling guy who didn't want the job? Rebuffed? Insulted? Indignant? Each imagining the glory he could bring upon Israel if only he'd been chosen.
Or what about the young woman who grew up next door to Mary, dreaming that she might be chosen as the mother of the Messiah. She'd kept herself pure, loved God, did everything right and thought she had an excellent chance until Joseph's peasant fiancee made her shocking announcement. Imagine the shock and disappointment when Mary's son began to prove Himself as the real Messiah. All the other girls knew they'd been passed over for the honor of being his mother. Why? Why not me?
Let's face it: Many times God's plan looks nothing like what we imagined. It makes no sense to us and deep down, we question His decision. "I'd do a much better job, Lord. Why didn't you pick me?"
God Himself gives the clearest explanation of His sometimes backward choices: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways."
God seems to delight in surprising us, shocking us, and leaving us a bit confused when we try to figure it out. The key is to remember that He is not nearly as interested in our tiny corner of reality as He is in unfolding the Big Picture. We are merely players in His story.
Yes, He cares about our hurts and desires, but He also wants us to take a step back from our self-centered world and enjoy the Big Picture with him. Rather than work in our lives so that we receive glory and honor, He wants us to work with Him so that all the honor and glory due Him is adequately placed. We can only do that when we are wholly surrendered to His will--whatever it is.
It wasn't all ticker-tape parades for the above chosen ones. David ran for his life for years after Samuel's announcement. Gideon spent sleepless nights in fear about the outcome of this war for which he felt incredibly unprepared. And who can adequately imagine the suffering of Mary as she watched history unfold in the life of her baby boy.
We love to imagine the glorious result if we were chosen, rarely considering the hours of labor, doubt, fear, and often despair that comes with it.
If you're chaffing over a disappointing loss, a dream that never took wing, a life path that makes you wonder if you were passed over for blessing, take a step back. God's reasons are for Him alone to know. But you can be certain that if your life is surrendered to Him, there is no blessing, no promotion, no honor He will withhold from you that is in your best interest.
So go ahead. Made that concession call. There is something better just down the road.
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