Then he met the Messiah. The One about whom all those prophecies had been written. His zeal transferred allegiance. His nickname, Simon the Zealot, remained. Jesus did not strip him of his identity; he transformed it into something of eternal significance. He became like King David in his passion for the things of God. "Zeal for Thy house consumes me." (Ps. 69:9)
Can that be said of you?
Would "zeal" describe your attitude toward the things of God? Or is your relationship with Christ a ho-hum affair? Have you become lackadaisical about your faith? Taking eternal life for granted?
The opposite is just as harmful. Have you become so rigid and legalistic in following the "letter of the law" that you have forgotten how delicious it feels to swim in Grace? Have you forgotten or never known what joyous abandon to the will of God is like?
Zeal--unwavering passion for the things of God--should describe every believer. If it does not describe you, maybe you should take another long look at Jesus' eleventh apostle. Though he is never mentioned alone in connection with any of the famous events of Scripture, the name Jesus let him keep tells us a lot about him. He was probably first to line up, first to charge forward with the new plan, and first to rally the morale of the troops. Everyone who knew him knew what he stood for.
Wouldn't you like for Jesus to call you The Zealot?
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