Little guy takes on big bully.
David and Goliath stories thrill us and the Biblical account of David killing Goliath tops them all.
We love David's boldness as he marches right onto the battlefield armed with nothing but a bag of rocks. And a giant faith.
But what he says next is the turning point of the battle. His words determined who won, and these are the same words you need before you attempt to take on your enemy, Satan.
He spoke clearly to an enemy twice his size. "I come against you in the name of the Lord God of Israel. The Lord will defeat you today so that all the world will know there is a God in Israel."
The armor we have studied thus far has been defensive armor. It protects us against the schemes, deception, and below-the-belt attacks of our enemy.
But the next piece of armor puts us on the offense. We don't have to cower in fear, taking blow after blow until he tires of us. We have the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. And with that sword, we can attack him, barging into his ranks, and doing some damage to the kingdom of darkness.
God's Word is compared to a sword. It pierces through darkness, wounds with conviction, and slashes away worldly trappings that entangle us. But like a sword, it has to be handled correctly and with a lot of practice. Soldiers didn't charge into battle with no training. Hand-to-hand combat required hours and hours of practice, training with one particular sword so that when necessary they could use it effectively and not end up stabbed with their own weapons.
In the same way, God's Word is not a weapon we can use any way we choose. The power comes from God's Spirit and authority, not ours. When we start tossing around Scripture to support any idea we like, we're like a rogue cop abusing his badge for personal gain. Successful warfare requires that we know the Word of God inside and out, understanding its application and meaning. You can be certain that Satan knows what it means and he well knows if you are stepping outside your bounds.
As David came against Goliath in the name and through the power of God, for God's ultimate glory, so we can come against Satan in the power and authority of God, using his Word to take command over the spirits of darkness. But those words alone have no power in themselves if the Spirit of God is not flowing through your spirit, empowering them. Satan knows quite well whether or not you carry the authority of God in your words.
The Holy Spirit dwelling in you is your badge of authority. Your level of obedience and submission to Him determines how effective your sword will be. Whether they like it or not, dark powers must obey the children of God when they speak with His authority in specific situations.
I must use this authority frequently in counseling situations when God's Spirit reveals to me that demonic forces are present. Standing on the authority of God's Word, I can command them to be silent. Sometimes, with the permission of the client, I command them to leave. And they do. It is only then the client's mind clears and he can understand truth.
The armor of God is highly effective for every believer who chooses to wear it. We see the corpses from Satan's slaughter all around us and he is far from satisfied with his kill. He wants you too.
Your only defense is the spiritual armor God has given you and it is free for the taking, but you must wear it the way he created it to be worn and wear it consistently. Don't head into the battle of your day without it.