“So if you are presenting a sacrifice…
and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave
your sacrifice…and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your
sacrifice to God.” Matthew 5:23-24
“I didn’t do anything,” Dave muttered to himself. He glared at
the floor as the worship band charged into another chorus.
“I just told it like it was. I was
being honest. It was her fault she took it personally.” He gripped the chair back in front of
him a little tighter and strengthened his resolve as worshipers around him sang
their praises. “Pastor shouldn’t be
insisting that I make this right. She’s the one who’s being overly sensitive. I liked her post on Facebook, what more
does she want?” His internal justifications weren’t doing much to stop the
pounding of his heart and this strange inability to feel close to God. They
were playing his favorite song, too. Why couldn’t he enjoy it this morning?
Must be that new worship leader.
Jesus offers Dave
a way to stop the self-righteous grumbling in his heart and enjoy worship once
more. But it requires humility, and humility is the one trait that we resist
the hardest. Humility takes full responsibility for the pain we created in
another. We don’t get to decide whether or not they should feel that way. Dave had been insensitive. It had been pointed
out to him, and it was now up to him to make it right. If he walked across the
aisle and apologized to the person he offended, he may have found that he liked
the new worship leader after all. On Jesus’ list of priorities, reconciliation
with those we hurt gets a top slot.
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