I had miscalculated.
The price I was charging for the books wasn't enough to cover it, and then I'd gone and told everyone that if they couldn't afford the book, to sign up for my class anyway and we'd make it happen.
It felt like faith at the time. Now I wondered if I'd been impetuous. Irresponsible. Overly enthusiastic.
It worked. I had asked God for at least 8-10 names on the class list. There were 26. And many of them could not afford to buy a book.
I'd found several used ones online, but the last two had writing in them. I had exhausted that market. I needed 12 more books. Quickly. Cheaply!
I called the Christian bookstore. Their cost was more than if I had the books shipped from the publisher.
"Lord?" I prayed. "I'm not very good at this. I didn't charge enough and you brought a lot of people who couldn't pay anything. I know you want me to do this, but I'm running out of time and I need 10-12 more books. Fast. Cheap! I'll eat the extra cost if You want me to, but somehow I don't think that's what you plan to do. I lay this at your feet. Show me what to do."
Call the local churches and see if they have extras lying around they would sell you.
I perked up. Good idea!
ABC Baptist didn't have any. Neither did DEF Church on the corner. I glanced at my pitiful stack of books that had to be handed out to 26 people. I'd have to order them from the publisher and eat the cost. Maybe I'd learned my lesson to stop being so optimistic before working out the little details. Maybe that's what God was teaching me.
GHI Church had to call me back and as I waited, a bit disheartnened, I read through the names on my class list and recounted. Yep. 12 books left to buy somewhere and it was going to get expensive.
The phone rang. GHI Church secretary said, "Yes, I have 5 of the older version of the book you need."
"Five!" I thought. Five would help. That was a start.
She wasn't finished. "And I have seven of the newer version, but I can't see there's any change in the book besides the cover. They're all new and I'll just sell them to you at our cost of 8 years ago when we did this study."
I'm not great at math, but it didn't take me long to add 5 and 7! And their cost was close to the used price I'd been paying.
Why does it always take me by surprise when God answers specific prayer? Why do I say I trust Him and then worry anyway? Why am I continually amazed that I serve an awesome, relevant God who cares about the details?
And why doesn't He get tired of me?
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