"The secret place of the Most High."
Don't you love the sound of that?
Psalm 91 begins with these words: "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, abides in the shadow of the Almighty..."
That is my favorite phrase in the Bible. As I go through my day, I savour it in my mind like an all-day lollipop.
To think that the Most High, the God of all gods, the King over all the universe has a secret place... and I KNOW WHERE IT IS!
.Not only do I know where it is, but He invites me to live there! Not just visit--LIVE there!
Some translations use the word "shelter," but I love the sound of "secret place" instead because the abode of God is more than just a shelter, a roof over my head, a shield against danger. To dwell in the secret place of the Most High implies an intimacy, a shared experience that goes beyond mere provision.
Remember as a kid when you found a "secret hiding place?" You felt so secure, so safe. You were sure no one could find you, no one could sully this sacred spot. You even entertained thoughts of living there, away from everybody, self-sufficient and satisfied in your secret place.
Sometimes, to your very best-friend-forever, you would spill the secret and then it would be a shared secret place. "Let's meet at our secret place," you would whisper and both giggle with delight and anticipation.
Hunger pains usually drove you out by dinner time, but that's because it was only YOUR discovery. Your creation.
The secret place spoken of in Psalm 91 is God's. He created it and invites us to join him there. "Let's meet at our secret place," He whispers.
And sometimes we meet him there. But quickly anxiety or worldly fascination or fear drives us out and we after a while, we forget where it is.
But the secret place waits, ever available to those who choose to move in. Notice the verse says "those who dwell." Not those who drop in, or those who race by and wave. To dwell implies a long-term residency. We must pack our bags and move. Leave the world's race, our self-sufficiency, our fear, our pride.
In the secret place of the Most High, personal opinion drops away. Self-reliance no longer seems trustworthy and you gladly exchange your will for God's. It's not a home you share with anyone else. It's just you and God, content. Satisfied. Safe in His secret place.
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