Eph. 6:11-13 "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground."
The Apostle Paul urged the Christians at Ephesus to suit up. One thing stands out clearly: If you have to put the armor on, then it can be taken off.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that because they believe in Jesus and have accepted him as Lord, they are automatically wearing all the defensive armor they need. What a shock when Satan knocks them flat!
The presence of armor implies that we are engaged in active warfare. Scripture is clear that an unseen battle rages all around us---good versus evil. And our minds and bodies are the battlefield. You didn't have to sign up or be drafted. You are already involved whether you know it or not.
Do you find yourself reluctant to admit that life is a battleground? Does it feel like "negativity" to focus on spiritual warfare? Can't we all just hold hands and weave daisy chains?
Satan will be glad to hand you the daisies because he knows that any soldier who has let his armor slip off is a prime target. Armies at war watch for signs that their enemy has relaxed its vigil, removed its armor, and is unsuspecting. Satan and his cohorts operate on the same principle. He knows better than you do whether your armor is secure.
God could have left us to Satan's devices. After all, we often choose his self-serving ways with eyes wide open, just as Adam did.
Thankfully, God is far more compassionate than we deserve. He has supplied us with everything we need to stand firm against the enemy's onslaught. But we have to pick it up and put it on. Day after day.
The key to the sufficiency of this armor is its stamp of ownership. A soldier's gear is issued by the country he serves and remains the property of that government. If every soldier had to provide his own weaponry, most would be sadly unprepared.
Our spiritual armor is stamped "Property of the King of Kings." You are not wearing YOUR armor. It is His armor. We are under the authority of our Supreme Commander and our armor comes with His stamp of authenticity--a stamp Satan recognizes quite well.
This armor also comes with directions for its use and if not followed properly, won't function well. But when kept shiny and oiled, buckled tightly and kept at the ready, all the forces of Hell cannot make a dent in it.
Ready to suit up? We'll look next time at the first piece and why it is foundational for the rest of the armor. Don't head for battle in your underwear!
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