Imagine this. You are standing in your yard, pondering the crab grass, when a truck roars to a stop ten feet away. An army of Vikings sprays from it like birdseed from a shotgun.
Covered in furs and armed to the teeth, they roar with fury as they charge toward you. Their ten-foot spears flash in the morning light and hatred rims their bloodshot eyes.
They keep coming, hundreds of them. Angry, roaring, powerful and mean.
You stand frozen to the spot. The dirt-covered spade in your hand is not even worth considering as the army advances for the kill. You are the picture of complete helplessness.
Every one of us has felt that way at some point--weak and defenseless against the flaming missiles and slashing sword of our Number One Enemy. He slashes with mental confusion, fills us with doubt, whispers suggestions that make our skin crawl, and when we start to go down, he moves in for the kill.
"Why don't you take your own life. You're no good to anyone anyway."
.As Christians, we've heard about the Armor of God, but it's hard to wrap western minds around the idea of wearing armor. A nice thought, but isn't it just imagery? Most of us have never stepped into a suit of real armor, never waged war on the battlefield, and we've certainly never considered ourselves ruthless attackers.
In fact, the concept of armor makes us slightly uncomfortable. Seems so insensitive. So aggressive. Just look at that sword! That's one sharp stabbing tool! You don't need a sword like that if you're only trying to protect yourself. Isn't the armor metaphor overdoing it a bit?
To our tolerance-worshipping minds it does seem harsh. Haven't we reached the enlightened age where we can use our intellect and reasoning powers to overcome evil?
Go ahead and try.
There. That didn't take long.
Satan has been around far longer than any of us and is craftier, trickier, and more evil than we can imagine. And he hates you. To try to fight him off alone is asking for trouble. The Bible is clear that he will attack, ruthlessly and often, and we are no match for him.
So let's take a close look at exactly what it means to wear the "whole armor of God." (Ephesians 6)
It's far more practical than you might think. And more important than Satan wants you to know. Even more than the crab grass issue.
Here we go, so stay tuned...
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