If you haven't noticed it yet, look around.
These are desperate times. Desperate times call for extravagant measures.
Back in the Day, American society as a whole understood right and wrong. Gentlemen did not swear in front of ladies. Everyone looked out for everyone else's children. It wasn't perfect, but there was a general standard of decency that people understood and respected, Christian or not.
How times change.
And the change has come faster than any societal change in history. With the intrusion of the internet, satellites, cell phones, and Hollywood, evil is mushrooming like an atomic blast. For the first time in America's history, social attitude has rejected Judeo-Christian values in favor of outright hostility toward the God of the Bible. And these messages are absorbed through our pores every moment of every day.
The moral health of our nation is deteriorating while the Church sleeps on. We cannot withstand the evil of Noah's day with a 1950's I Love Lucy mentality. It is not working. We are being inundated with the values and thoughts of our Enemy in ways never imagined by our predecessors. And it's time we fought back.
It's time we who know better learned to tune out the voices that want to destroy us. Why do we think we can absorb television, newspaper, and magazine articles produced by people who decry everything we stand for, listen to the world's music, the world's entertainment, and the world's ideas and not suffer for it? We are silly fools playing right into the Enemy's hands. He hardly has to work to tie most Christians into a dozen knots.
The days of thinking we can show up at church on Sunday mornings, check in with God for the week, and head back to our regular lives is past. What we head back to is a cesspool and we cannot swim in it the other 6 days of the week and expect to be spiritually stable.
How much more decadence will we tolerate before giving ourselves permission to exit this propaganda machine? When the Apostle Paul said, "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" he was talking to us.
We can no longer be passive in our relationship with God and expect that to work. It won't. Just look around at those who call themselves Christians.
It is time to take an active role in replacing the lies with truth inside our own heads. It's not enough to dribble a little godliness on our hearts and pretend we're washed clean. We need to be immersed, saturated with holiness, if we expect to live in this world and not not be ripped apart by it.
When not otherwise mentally engaged, we must be proactive in filling our minds and spirits with godliness. Worship music of the highest quality is available everywhere. The same technology that allows Satan to advance his agenda, also allows the righteous to offer theirs.
Buy an iPod. Download iTunes. Find the artists whose music takes you to the foot of God's throne, and get to listening.
Is your reading material drawing your thoughts away from God? Are your entertainment choices simply mind-numbing or are they spirit-reviving? There is a difference and your life, your mood, and your spiritual productivity will reflect that difference.
Matthew 6:21 reminds us that "where our treasure is, there will our hearts be." So where is your treasure?
Is your time saturated with the world's offerings? What do your choices reveal about where your heart is?
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