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Path to Leadership

“Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.”  Mark 10:43

Pastor Ray cleared his throat and the room quieted. “I appreciate you all coming to our first leadership class. I know each of you desires to lead here at Red Mountain Church, but I have some bad news for you.” The class members gave each other puzzled looks. “What you don’t know,” Pastor Ray went on, “is that I’ve already given you a leadership test…and none of you passed.” Eager smiles turned into worried frowns. “For the past two weeks, I’ve let it be known that we need bathroom janitors, nursery workers, and help with painting. A few people showed up…but not one of you.” The members darted worried looks at each other, but the pastor smiled kindly at them. “Keep that in mind as we begin Lesson One: Leadership Through Serving.”

We’ve all had moments when we thought, “If I was in charge…” Armchair quarterbacking goes on in churches too. But when we imagine our greatness as leaders, we rarely start where great leaders have to begin: humble service. That feels wrong to us. After all, anybody can sweep a floor, but talent like ours should be noticed. Jesus knows that about us, so He made it clear that those who desire important roles must start with serving, without praise or glory, because that’s where He builds leaders.

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