Everyone's familiar with the story of Jesus walking on water--and when Peter tried to do it too, he started to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus.
.The typical sermon on this passage reminds us that focusing on our problems rather than the power of the Lord makes us despair. And that's a good comparison. But I have another one.
.Lately I've become acutely aware of the deep sin so many Christians are mired in. The Body of Christ bears a shocking resemblance to the sinful world we were delivered from.
Another "Christian" singer flaunts her homosexual lifestyle. A pastor of a mega church is found with a prostitute. Half the marriages in our church congregations are either coming out of divorce or headed toward it. The more I focus on the beauty and holiness of the Lord, the worse sin offends me.
.I certainly do not consider myself spotless. I'm ever aware of my own shortcomings and have to surrender anew to the Lord daily. But the blatant, open defense of wicked lifestyle choices is a blight on the name of Christ. Christianity is earning a bad reputation---and for good cause.
.The weight of it bore down on me yesterday and the joy I usually feel evaporated. I didn't understand it. It wasn't my sin. It isn't my guilt, but I felt it as though it was. I felt dirty, ashamed, and defeated. As the Scripture says, "When one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts."
.I went to the Lord and asked what was wrong and the story of Peter played across my mind. I saw myself stepping out of the boat and right into the dark churning waters of those who also claim the name of Christ, but live as though Satan was their father. Like Peter, I had begun to focus on the ugliness of sin rather than on the beauty of the Lord and I had lost my joy.
.When I refocused my heart, joy and relief followed. Jesus reminded me that He is not made less pure because of the sin choices of others. His righteousness is not tainted by this world. He's still as perfect and blameless as always and as long as I keep my eyes on that, it doesn't matter what others choose to do. They'll answer to that blameless Savior just as I will.
.So where is your focus?
.Sin should offend us. It offends God. But it doesn't have to defeat us. We are each judged by our own choices, not the wrongs of others. And the standard is unchanging, no matter how cute a spin some would try to put on their own sin.
.Psalm 147 tells us that "The Lord delights in the righteous, in those who fear Him." Bring delight to Him today and He'll take care of the others!
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