A member of my Life Group made a comment last week that has played through my mind all week. He said that God is so personally involved in each of our lives that it's almost as though we each have our own God.
.He's right, but how many professing Christians don't really realize it.
One major difference between Christianity and man-made religions is that our God is a personal God to each of us. Notice I did NOT say He is "different things to different people." That's the idea many unbelievers prefer. Some love the idea of creating their own gods in their own images. How many times have you heard someone expound rather rapturously, "I believe god is the flowers, the sky, the summer breeze, and within each of us...blah, blah..." Sounds pretty enough for a Hallmark card, but it's utter rubbish.
.God created those things, but He is NOT the equivalent of those things. The apostle Paul warned about people who "worship the creation rather than the Creator."
.Creator God didn't set the planets in motion and then retire. He's been working in and through his creation every moment of every day and yet is able to whisper personally to each of his children who are quiet enough to listen.
.How empty it must be to spend your life chasing after Buddha's ideals, Mohammed's vicious writings, or some fake god who's small enough to fit inside a flower. Those ideas are all man-made. A relationship with God is God-made, undeserved by us, and totally impossible without Him providing the means to attain it.
.I fear too many people who profess to know Christ only know Him in the general sense, a mental acknowledgement that the facts stated in the Bible are historically accurate. John Wesley said, "Mental assent is Satan's best tool for keeping us from God."
.The kind of relationship God wants with each of us is personal. He knows your every thought. He knows your dreams and your hurts and wants you to bring them to him. And when your heart is pure before him, He speaks in that still small voice---just to you. He tells me something different than he tells my Life Group friend, because He's talking to me.
.Do you have your own personal God? Not a god of your making; a relationship of His making.
If you're only worshipping a corporate figurehead, you're missing the whole point. If you stand in church and sing to the podium, if your prayers seem to hover near the light fixture before crashing back around your ears, if you've never heard His still small whisper and known His voice as certainly as you know the voice of your best friend, then you're missing out.
You don't have to anymore. Click on the right sidebar with all the question marks. And then let me know if you have any questions. Imagine what He wants to say---just to you!
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