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For we are God's masterpiece... Ephesians 2:10

Your life is a priceless vase that God has entrusted to you. But somewhere back there, it shattered into a thousand pieces. Maybe you were careless, or maybe someone else knocked it out of your hands. But it’s broken nonetheless. So you tried to fix it. You got the super glue and spent vast amounts of time and energy trying to put it back together. But it just got uglier and uglier, because super glue is not what it takes to repair a priceless vase. In anger, you may have cried out, “Where is God?” But you did so while still clutching the pieces.

It is only when we hand the pieces to our Designer that He is free to begin His work. To our shock, though, He does not try to fix the vase. Instead, He takes those jagged pieces, rough edges, and useless shards and creates a beautiful, one-of-a-kind mosaic. When we let go of our right to dictate how He should do it, He fashions us into the people He knew we could be. Only in the hands of the Master Artist can a shattered treasure become a masterpiece. 


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