You can't look at this without smiling.
You smile because you know exactly how the old guy feels.
You can almost feel the cool breeze flutter over your sweaty face. You remember how it feels when the heat evaporates from your neck and for a delicious moment, you know total happiness. Other needs disappear in those fleeting seconds when you're basking in sensory relief.
It's the same feeling you get when you take a long drink of cool water after a hot run. Or when you finally hold your new baby or the returning soldier in your arms. For that instant, there's not a single thing you want but to relish the sensation.
I think that's what Heaven is.
Many people imagine elaborate celebrations, joyful reunions, and entertainment that makes Hollywood look dull. And that may all be true.
But I believe what will startle us is the complete lack of need. The sensory satisfaction only experienced in fleeting moments on earth---before a fan or in the embrace of someone we love.
But what's even more startling is that God offers that to us now!
"My God shall supply ALL your needs, according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:18)
Those aren't words meant to be rattled thoughtlessly from the innocent lips of VBS kids. They are a gold-embossed guarantee from the Creator of Heaven. The One who understands what need means.
We often approach prayer almost apologetically, as though embarrassed to admit to God that we have needs we cannot meet. As though He'll say, "Really? You're scared (hurt, lonely, angry)? I had no idea. What's wrong with you!"
God created our senses. He created our hearts. He embedded within us the ability to be filled as well as giving us opportunities to know deprivation. He understands need and He recognizes that one of the greatest gifts He can give us is the total lack of need.
We can wait for Heaven to experience that delight. Or we can take Him at his Word and experience bits of it now. For every need you entrust to God, delight increases. It's no longer your responsibility to meet that need. It's God's. You can wash your hands of it and turn your attention to something else.
And in doing so, you've tasted a drop of Heaven.
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