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Great and Small

The story is told of a man who was shown both heaven and hell. In hell, the people were seated at a banquet table filled with delicious food. However, their arms were in splints and the only eating utensils were forks with three-foot long handles. Try as they might, they could not get the food into their mouths and were starving, while seated only inches from a feast. In heaven, the scenario was identical, except this time, each person was feeding someone else, seated across the table.

While this story is far from an accurate depiction of heaven and hell, the idea is correct. God’s instructions for His people always include selflessness—a trait that does not come easily for us. Jesus modeled selfless serving while He was on the earth and He wants us to follow that pattern. When we take our eyes off our own desires and ambitions, we are in position to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. In God’s kingdom, those who want to be greatest must go to the back of the line, while those who seek the lowest position of service are exalted. God offers us many opportunities to choose humility, but if we stubbornly refuse, God will have to do it for us. It is far preferable to humble ourselves willingly.

Humble yourself in the sight of God, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

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